Who are we?

[Company created in 1996]

Our company was born from a simple observation: with the constant evolution of products placed on the market, diversification of technologies, it becomes complicated for the user to replace the battery, the battery or the charger from its electrical appliance.

With 13000 products available online, companies and individuals are one-click reference much-sought.

[Quality Pro, for all!]

Thanks to our expertise and our permanent technology watch, we offer a Professional response for all your battery needs. The unrivalled choice and reliability of our products (guaranteed by manufacturers) allow us to earn the loyalty of professionals as individuals.

Partners from the biggest brands cells and batteries, we are listed in a large number of companies from various sectors of activity: engineering, industry, maintenance...

[Proximity = reactivity]

Our location in the heart of the Francein the region Centre, allows to deliver throughout France in one minimum amount of time. And as our stocks are immediately available, in more than 90% of cases, you are delivered 48 hours after ordering.

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Derniers avis

Par Gilles D. (Villiers sous grez, France métropolitaine) le 10 March 2025 :


Produit évalué : 2 batteries lead 6V 12Ah for boats bait ANATEC catamaran arrivé dans les temps et surtout le bon produit très important vu le poids...

Par Beatrice R. (Bad Säckingen, Germany) le 07 March 2025 :


Produit évalué : 3.7V 1.5Ah LiPo 543604 battery for Sennheiser EK 2020-D II receiver Die Lieferung war Termingemäss. Die Akkus sehen gut aus. So, alles bestens....

Par Philippe V. (PONT DE POITTE, France métropolitaine) le 07 March 2025 :


Produit évalué : Reconditioning 4.8V 3.8Ah nimh battery for Velux 833442 Bonjour, satisfait de ma commande pour "reconditionnement" de ma batterie qui...