18V 3Ah NiMh battery compatible Hitachi EB1830
- Compatible battery for intensive or professional use
- This battery is new and its specifications meet in all respects the standards of the original manufacturer. The battery is guaranteed against any manufacturing defect.
- For all batteries, the deviation of 0.1 volts (V) in the voltage is safe. If the proposed capacity (Ah) is higher than the capacity of your original battery, this allows for a longer duration of use.
Full compatibility with machines in 18V
- C 18DL
- C 18DLX
- C 18DMR
- C 6DC
- C 6DD
- CJ 18DL
- CJ 18DLX
- CR 18DL
- CR 18DLX
- CR 18DMR
- CR 18DV
- CR18DL
- DH 18DL
- DH 18DLX
- DS 18DFL
- DS 18DL
- DS 18DMR
- DS 18DVB
- DS 18DVB2
- DS 18DVB2K
- DS 18DVF3
- DS18DL
- DV 18DCL
- DV 18DL
- DV 18DMR
- DV 18DV
- DV18DL
- G 18DL
- G 18DLX
- G18DL
- KC 18DA
- RB 18DL
- UB 18D
- UB 18DL
- WH 18DFL
- WH 18DL
- WH 18DMR
- WR 18DL
- WR 18DMR
- EB 1812S
- EB 1814SL
- EB 1820L
- EB 1824L
- EB 1826HL
- EB 1830H
- EB 1830HL
- EB 18B
- EB1820
- EAN : 4894128043522
- Type: Battery
- Technology: NiMh
- Voltage (V): 18
- Capacity (Ah): 3
- Weight (Kg): 1.093
- Length (mm): 124
- Width (mm): 77
- Height (mm): 107
- Power 54 Wh
- Warranty / year: 1
- Model: Compatible
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