Understand everything on the regulation of security BAES BAEH lighting

Published on 05/27/2014

There are three families of autonomous blocks:

  • Autonomous safety lighting supply BAES of evacuation : it illuminates evenly the whole of the premises so that users can find wherever they may be and to avoid a panic movement. This lighting is often zenith. Regulations and practice plan to operate for one hour.
  • Autonomous safety lighting supply BAES of atmosphere enlightens the axes of circulation and allows viewing of the issues, and this, according to the rules of use. This lighting is more often at the top but can be also down to illuminate the ground especially in car parking
  • Autonomous lighting for residential blocks BAEH

Security lighting is mandatory in all establishments receiving the public (ERP)
and/or (ERT) workers to ensure signaling and minimum lighting level to allow the evacuation of people in case of problems...

Pursuant to EC 14 of the Decree of 25 June 1980 as amended, the operators must ensure all the months of functioning (test lamps) autonomous blocks of lighting (BAES) of their establishment and every 6 months of their battery life (battery test).

An authorised person must therefore be the tour of the entire facility.

Three main causes can lead to bad or non-functioning of the system of security lighting:

  • The poor condition of the battery: an aging battery can fail abruptly, and the block may not work at the time of the evacuation.
  • The poor condition of the lamps and the block may not light at the time of the evacuation.
  • The deterioration of the BAES (yellowing, dirt, traces of overheating around the lamps) and the visibility will be degraded.

The rules          

Evacuation lighting

  • All of the 15 STS in paths
  • At each exit and emergency exit
  • At each change of direction
  • At each obstacle
  • At each change in level
  • The outputs of the rooms

Atmosphere or anti-panic lighting

  • Minimum light output of 5 lumens / m² of floor space
  • The distance between 2 blocks or 2 luminaires must be less or equal to 4 times their height above the ground or the formula d ? 4 h
  • Each room must be illuminated by at least 2 blocks or luminaires

In the case of supply by a centralized source consisting of an accumulator battery:

  • The discharge lamps are fed to sleep by the source State normal replacing, in the State of operation by the security source, lamps connected permanently to the latter;


The operator is responsible for criminal security of its establishment. It must ensure that the autonomous safety lighting blocks are verified and maintained periodically so that the security of his institution lighting installation is maintained in perfect working condition.

Standard NF C 71-830 sets the rules relating to the maintenance of the baby.


  • Check the operation in emergency blocks and the lighting of lamps safety
  • Audit of the implementation at the State of rest (or stop) remote blocks when normal lighting is switched off and the automatic return of the blocks to the sleep state to surrender power to the normal light.

Every 6 months:

  • Check the battery life in emergency blocks. In the event of failure of the battery or poor performance, don't hesitate not to change 

The tests are performed automatically when the baby has a SATI (automatic integrated test system)

Security lighting is assured from a centralized source consisting of an accumulator battery feeding luminaries, either from autonomous blocks.

The security sources must have a rated battery life of at least 1 hour.

Upgrading to the resting State:

It allows to turn off the blocks after a voluntary cut to the normal light (end of operation of the building). The baby automatically return to standby state to restore normal lighting.

  • Avoids the baby are discharged after a voluntary interruption of the normal light.
  • Guarantee that the baby will be ready to operate at the opening of the establishment (battery charged).
  • Prevents premature wear of the batteries, and thus preserves the life expectancy of the block.

See the Decree of 14 December 2011 on security lighting installations  

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